Does your loved one have a new friend named Molly? If so, then it’s time to learn more about how drug dealers have rebranded the old Ecstasy into a newer, purer form of MDMA. Once Therapeutic, Now Recreational Scientists at Merck pharmaceuticals invented MDMA in 1912. It was originally used by psychotherapists for the purpose of treating marital problems as the psychotherapists believed the drug facilitated better communication among couples. It was also used to treat trauma victims with what is now referred to as post-traumatic stress disorder. The mid-seventies saw graduate students further refining and testing both pill and powder forms of MDMA, and by the late 1970s the drug became the champion of nightclub-goers in Manchester, England. This “rave culture” flourished under Ecstasy’s watch, and users bragged about its sensory-expanding, mind-altering powers. It eventually traveled back to the U.S., and the federal government, concerned over its popularity, declared it a Schedule I substance in 1985. Demand surged as legal supplies dwindled, and dealers began cutting pure MDMA with other substances such as cocaine, ketamine, caffeine, and fertilizer. Today’s Newfound Popularity Over time, as the pureness of MDMA decreased, so did its popularity on the street. Unfortunately, today, pure “Molly” is available much cheaper than in past years. Quite simply, drug pushers have effectively rebranded MDMA as a “gentler” and friendlier drug, according to the New York Times. Molly comes with serious risk — overdosing on Molly can be fatal — and researchers are trying to determine whether or not the drug is addictive and if it has any clinical uses at all. Of Serious Concern Molly is closely associated with electronic dance music, music festivals, and concerts. Pop stars such as Madonna, Miley Cyrus, and others reference Molly with alarming frequency. The Quincy Valley Medical Center treated 40 to 45 patients for Molly overdose during the weekend of the Paradiso Dance Music Festival; one died. The negative side effects of pure Molly include dehydration from overheating — so serious that death can result — as well as blurry vision, jaw clenching, teeth grinding, and profuse sweating. Because illicit manufacturers often mix Molly with other dangerous substances to increase profit, there are an unknown number of health risks that can result from taking even one dose. Although medical science isn’t yet sure what to do with MDMA, addiction professionals report seeing a rise in the number of Molly-addicted clients. If someone you love needs MDMA rehab, contact The Ranch PA for more information. Photo: