woman in therapy for anxiety treatment

Could Anxiety Treatment Programs Help You?

Anxiety occurs with everyone at some point in their lives. Things like preparing for a job interview, a performance, or even a date can lead to anxiety. Anxiety lasts for a short time in most people. However, when you have an anxiety disorder, the symptoms do not go away within a short time. The staff at Recovery Ranch PA understands that your anxiety disorder causes a variety of symptoms that affect your daily life, and that it possibly worsens over time. Therefore, get the help that you need in a tranquil environment that focuses on your recovery.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 18.1 percent of adults in the United States suffer from an anxiety disorder in any given year. In other words, that’s over 40 million people. And if you consider that anxiety disorders often go hand-in-hand with depression—the most common mental illness in the U.S.—that number could be even higher.

Now is the time to get answers to your questions about treating your anxiety, co-occurring disorders, and information about anxiety treatment programs. To learn more about what an anxiety treatment center can do for you, call us today at 717.969.9126.

What are Anxiety Disorders?

What does it mean when a person has an anxiety disorder? In fact, it means that you experience extreme symptoms or a heightened level of symptoms that last much longer than the short-term normal anxiety.

Some indicators of anxiety disorder potentially include:

  • Constant worrying
  • Stress beyond that experienced by most other people
  • Anticipating the worst of situations that may not even have occurred yet
  • Avoidance of conditions that potentially lead to anxiety symptoms
  • Irritability or restlessness
  • Inability to focus or concentrate

There are several other potential symptoms of anxiety disorders, including muscle tension, fatigue, shortness of breath, pounding heart, and sleep problems. Although people with anxiety typically experience several of these symptoms, everyone with an anxiety disorder does not have the same symptoms.

Several factors possibly determine which symptoms you have, and their severity, along with your specific type of anxiety disorder.

Are There Different Types of Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders require diagnosis by a professional, such as a psychologist, a therapist, or a specialist from anxiety treatment programs that focus on treating anxiety disorders. The professional staff typically treats other types of mental health disorders.

There are several primary types of anxiety disorders, such as:

Generalized anxiety disorder

This type of anxiety disorder is characterized by worrying about a variety of topics, such as one’s health, family, finances, or work. People with generalized anxiety disorder often feel like they are in a state of constant worry and dread.

Social anxiety disorder (which is also known as social phobia)

Characterized by having irrational fears around social interaction. People with this disorder often feel nervous or uncomfortable in situations where they are the center of attention, such as giving a presentation at work or attending a social gathering.

Panic disorder

This type of anxiety disorder is characterized by sudden and severe episodes of anxiety, known as panic attacks. Panic attacks can include physical symptoms, such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, and dizziness. They can also include mental symptoms, such as fear and anxiety.


Involves a fear of places or situations where one might feel trapped, helpless, or embarrassed. People with agoraphobia often avoid or fear situations such as crowded public places, large open spaces, and traveling alone.


These are irrational fears of specific objects or situations. People with phobias often avoid the object or situation that they are afraid of, which can interfere with their daily life.

Understand Your Anxiety Disorder Symptoms—And Look For Help

There are other types of anxiety disorders, including separation anxiety disorder, and substance-induced, or medication-induced anxiety disorder.

Each type of anxiety disorder has its symptoms, although symptoms sometimes overlap. Explaining your symptoms and discussing your symptoms with us helps the qualified, empathetic professionals determine your treatment needs.

Anxiety Treatment Programs in Pennsylvania Offer the Help You Need

Some people turn to alcohol or other drugs to cope with their anxiety disorders, leading to a diagnosis of co-occurring disorders. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reveals that having co-occurring mental health disorders and substance use disorders affect people from all walks of life. You never have to feel that no one will understand you or your needs if you go to treatment for your anxiety disorder, or co-occurring substance abuse disorder.

The anxiety treatment programs at Recovery Ranch PA offer the ideal treatment plan for your individualized needs. The treatment that you receive depends on several factors. It is, in fact, unique to your specific anxiety disorder and treatment needs.

Get treatment that focuses on the recovery of the whole person. Recover in a safe, structured, supportive environment, where you learn that others experience symptoms similar to your symptoms. Start your recovery today. Contact us today at 717.969.9126, and heal in a natural, comfortable, home-like setting.

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