Man thinking about benzo withdrawal timeline

What to Expect During the Benzo Withdrawal Timeline

Benzo withdrawal at a benzo addiction rehab in Hanover, PA allows you to taper off the drug while receiving proper medical care. It is also a safer and more effective way to end drug abuse instead of quitting “cold turkey” and risking a relapse or an overdose. However, even with professional help, the benzo withdrawal timeline can seem scary because of the symptoms that normally show up. Nevertheless, the withdrawal process is best seen as a necessary evil to face on your way back to a drug-free and happier life.

Do you need the services of a drug detox center? Call us today at 717.969.9126 for more information.

Why Benzo Withdrawal is Necessary

Benzodiazepines, or benzos, are a class of depressant drugs doctors prescribe to treat anxiety, insomnia, and seizures. They include short-acting benzos such as triazolam and long-acting benzos such as diazepam. These drugs sedate and keep the patient calm. However, a person can easily get addicted to benzo if they take too much, take it longer than prescribed, or abuse it for its sedative effects.

Abuse includes taking the drug for pleasure, smoking, snorting, or injecting it into a vein to quickly experience the effects. As the body gets used to the drug, the individual will need larger doses to feel the same effects. Unpleasant withdrawal symptoms also develop if they try to quit benzo.

Many of the benzo withdrawal effects are “rebound” symptoms or symptoms that caused the need for benzodiazepine treatment. They include anxiety, sleep disturbances, panic attacks, trouble concentrating, heart palpitations, and excessive sweating.

The Stages of Benzo Withdrawal

The first step in benzo withdrawal is to detox from the drug. This can be done on an outpatient basis, but it is usually best to do it at a rehab facility. Withdrawal symptoms can range from mild to severe, and they can last for weeks or even months. The most common symptoms include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and flu-like symptoms.

After detox, you will need to go through a tapering process. This is where you will slowly reduce your dose of the drug over time. The goal is to eventually be able to stop taking the drug completely. Tapering can be done on an outpatient basis, but it is often best to do it at a rehab facility.

The final stage of benzo withdrawal is called maintenance. This is when you will be able to live a relatively normal life without the use of the drug. Maintenance usually lasts for several months to a year. During this time, you may still have some cravings for the drug, but they should be manageable. After maintenance, you should be able to live a drug-free life.

Getting Through the Benzo Withdrawal Timeline

As dreadful as the benzo withdrawal timeline sounds, going through it helps you to lose dependence on the sedative. Symptoms can start within 6 hours of the last dose for short-acting benzodiazepines or 24-28 hours for long-acting benzos. Withdrawal symptoms typically last 2-4 weeks but can persist for those with severe addiction or an underlying mental health disorder. Common co-occurring disorders include anxiety and depression. Although the experience is different for each person, knowing what to expect helps you to prepare.

Day 1-4:

Rebound symptoms such as insomnia and anxiety are common during the first 6-8 hours of the benzo withdrawal timeline and will feel worse by day 3 for short-acting benzo users. Nausea, increased heart rate, sweating, and cravings also intensify. Those addicted to longer-acting benzodiazepines usually notice these initial withdrawal signs during this time. Initial symptoms can persist for 7-10 days.

Day 10-14:

The acute symptoms begin to fade away during this phase for individuals withdrawing from short-acting benzos. Instead, they peak for longer-acting benzos before subsiding around week 3-4 into the timeline.

Day 15-28 and onward:

You may feel exhausted but better around day 15. However, people severely addicted or dependent on benzodiazepines may experience post-acute withdrawal symptoms (PAWS) after the acute symptoms subside. They include chronic insomnia, persistent anxiety, and depression which can last for months or years.

Treatment at The Ranch PA for Benzo Addiction

Medical drug detox is available at The Ranch PA to help you taper off the drug during the dreaded benzo withdrawal timeline. You’ll be ready for mental health therapy once you stabilize if your doctor recommends it as part of dual diagnosis treatment. This stage of recovery is another level of care and helps to lower the risk of future drug abuse. Some of the other effective evidence-based treatments and therapies that may feature in your personalized recovery care plan include:

Benzo withdrawal at The Ranch PA in Hanover, PA, may not be a walk in the park. At the same time, it isn’t impossible. Our commitment to you is to design a treatment plan that offers a chance for sustained sobriety. Our doctors, therapists, and counselors will stand by you throughout the entire process. There are also aftercare programs to help prevent relapse after leaving rehab. Please call 717.969.9126 to ask about admissions.

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