Today, whether you choose an inpatient alcohol rehab path or the outpatient path, you will have the necessary tools to successfully complete a treatment program. Each type of rehab offers unique benefits. The best rehab program will consider your personal goals, challenges, and lifestyle. This is essential to achieving lifelong sobriety. Inpatient programs are naturally more intense, but effective treatment and success can be achieved in outpatient rehab as well. Make a wise and intelligent decision about your choice of program by being aware of the factors that make one or the other more likely to work for you as a client.
Inpatient Treatment Inpatient treatment is 24-hour care that requires you to live away from friends, family, work, and any other distractions so you can devote 100% of your time to your alcoholism treatment. This is an excellent choice for individuals whose drinking is severe. The length of the stay will vary between two weeks to three months depending on your particular needs. Inpatient alcohol rehab provides clients with sequestered safety during a challenging life period. It allows for a client to fully immerse himself or herself in the alcohol rehab experience. Workshops, clinical therapy sessions, holistic treatments, and group meetings are a large part of your stay. Clients basically receive round the clock mental health and physical care until they are ready to deal with the outside world and its responsibilities. If you have completed outpatient treatment in the past and find yourself slipping back into addiction, long-term inpatient treatment might be your best option. With inpatient treatment, you have the opportunity to focus fully on your recovery. During the initial stages of your recovery, when you may feel the least steady in your sobriety, you will be protected from the triggers that have led to your addiction in the past — influence from friends, pressures at work, stressful challenges at home, and more. You can solidify your commitment to sobriety while developing positive coping measures without the added pressures life can present.
Outpatient Treatment Outpatient treatment is for individuals who are able to cope on a daily basis and are unable to stop work or have minor children to care for. Outpatient alcohol rehab provides a meaningful treatment vehicle for those who feel capable of dealing with the work required to resist daily life temptations. Unlike in inpatient treatment where things build up to the end of the program date, in outpatient rehab, every day presents the chance to apply the skills you are learning in treatment. Also, you still are afforded effective support in group and outpatient therapy sessions. Outpatient treatment can also be an effective option if you need to strengthen your commitment to sobriety. For example, if you are facing a life-changing experience, such as moving or changing your job, you may opt to seek outpatient treatment to ensure these new pressures do not cause a lapse. Inpatient or Outpatient: Which Is Right for Me? Find out which version of alcoholism treatment is better for you by answering the following:
- Will you be able to focus on recovery or are your life temptations too great?
- How severe is your addiction?
- Can you step away from your family and work for a period of time anywhere between 15 and 90 days?
- Can you go without drinking for a few days and not experience withdrawal?
Making a wise decision now will ensure your alcohol rehab treatment option is an effective and successful experience. Holistic Care is the Key to Lifelong Sobriety Regardless of the type of treatment you choose, the best outcomes are achieved through holistic care. At The Ranch PA, we treat your mind and spirit, not just your addiction. Our progressive treatment heals you on every level: physical, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. This will give you the strong foundation you need for lifelong sobriety. Instead of simply addressing your addiction, we will also get to the root causes that led to the addiction in the first place. Through your customized treatment plan, you will develop ways to cope with stress while igniting a passion for sober living. Whichever treatment option you choose, you are making the right choice by getting help now. Contact The Ranch PA today to discuss which treatment option is the best fit for you. (photo via)