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My Mother is a Drug Addict

Have you ever wondered if your mom is a drug addict, or you need help dealing with a drug-addicted mother? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans struggle to live with or care for a loved one who is addicted to drugs or alcohol. Although beating addiction is a process requiring a lifetime of vigilance, you can free yourself from this burden — and take back your life — with these steps. Know That You’re Not Alone Watching a parent grow addicted to drugs is scary. Your mom may have told you to keep quiet, or threatened you with leaving home. You may have even suffered from physical or emotional abuse. It’s understandable that you feel alone and frightened. The good news is that there are ways you can help yourself and stay safe at the same time. Help Yourself First Many people who are addicted to drugs have trained their family members to provide support. Children of drug addicts can often cook for themselves, care for young siblings, and clean at a very early age. It’s now time for you to help yourself so you can reclaim your life. Programs such as Nar-Anon are free to join and are specifically-designed to help family members who struggle with an addicted family member. Your local house of worship, school guidance counselor, hospital, or doctor’s office can also help you with other support programs. In these programs you’ll discover that others go through struggles just like yours. Although these groups cannot make your mom sober, they can teach you strategies for keeping yourself and other family members safe. You’ll also learn how to manage and avoid enabling behaviors. If possible, invite another family member or friend to come with you to the meeting. You may learn about potential solutions or treatments you have not yet considered. How to Deal with a Drug Addict Getting involved with a support group may give you the strength you need to convince your mom to get the help she needs. For example, you might consider an intervention. During an intervention, you and those who care for your mom will confront her about her dangerous habits. If the intervention goes as planned, your mom will enroll in a substance abuse rehabilitation program, and start a new life free from addiction. You may also want to talk to your mom alone about getting help. If you decide to confront her, never choose a time when she is high or excitable. Avoid blaming her for addiction. Instead, express your hope that she get sober in a safe and controlled environment. Offer encouragement, and tell her you refuse to enable her any longer. Have a safe place to go ready in advance, and be prepared to leave if the conversation turns angry. Call The Ranch PAThe Ranch PA helps people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol get sober every day. We can help your mother, too. If you have questions, or just need to talk to someone, call us now at 1-844-326-3234.   (Photo via) The pictures in this blog are being used for illustrative purposes only; and any person depicted in the content, if any, is a model.

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