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No More Vodka in My Orange Juice: My Autobiography

Photo: Sweet Beet and Green Bean I have to admit, I’m excited. With the publication of “No More Vodka in My Orange Juice” I’m finally getting a chance to tell my own story of addiction, recovery, and redemption. It’s a story many addicts will find familiar, and one I hope inspires others to find their own path to clarity. My addiction to alcohol almost cost me everything: my career, my financial health, and, most importantly, my family. The road to recovery wasn’t easy. My first experience with rehab was overwhelmingly negative: the facility resembled a prison more than a place of healing. All I learned was how to hide my addiction to avoid going back. My second experience in an inpatient alcohol rehab clinic changed my life. I had the opportunity to recover in relaxing, calm surroundings where I took an active part in my own treatment. Recovery took time. It took effort. And it was worth every obstacle and every setback.

You’re Not Alone

When you’re in the grip of addiction, you feel isolated and hopeless. It’s easy to believe no one else has ever experienced the pain, shame, and guilt you’re feeling. I hope by sharing my story in No More Vodka in My Orange Juice, I can help you realize you’re not alone. Thousands of people have lived through your struggle — and gone on to find sobriety and renewed purpose in their lives.

My New Clarity and Purpose

Sobriety gave me a new sense of clarity and purpose. I have been given a second chance at life, and I wanted to give others the same opportunity. That’s why I built The Ranch PA, an inpatient alcohol rehab center dedicated to individualized holistic care and long-term recovery. Let me share my journey with you. You may recognize yourself as you read. You may see reflections of a family member or friend struggling with addiction. You’ll also find hope. As addicts, we can change our fate and regain control of our lives. I know this because I lived it. (Photo via)

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