Being able to recognize telltale addictive behaviors is important to knowing when to seek treatment. This information applies for self-recognition as well as noticing signs displayed by loved ones. Once you recognize telltale addictive behaviors, you’ll have a better understanding of the treatment you or a loved one need.
Signs Of An Addiction
When someone becomes addicted, there are several telltale addictive behaviors they portray. They think about fulfilling their addiction constantly. They become obsessed with the idea of engaging in the behavior. If they are unable to, they often become agitated, irate, or depressed. They seek out the action or substance even if they know it is causing them harm. They do not care if it causes relationship or job problems.
An addicted individual tends to go through withdrawal symptoms if they are unable to satisfy their addiction. Both physical and mental signs are noticeable. Withdrawing from social activities and turning toward other poor behavioral practices occurs. Physical and psychological health also deteriorate as the body reels from the lack of an addictive substance.
Someone with an addiction tends to hang out with a different group of friends than they had in the past. They often take risks they normally would not engage in. Spending money on drugs and alcohol can lead to financial problems. These financial problems, in turn, drive their own behaviors, from selling off assets to even criminal activity.
What To Do If Addictive Behavior Is Happening
If you believe you have an addiction or if you recognize you are displaying telltale addictive behaviors, take steps to get treatment promptly. Let a trusted friend or family member know your intentions so that they can assist with their support. Going to a treatment facility allows you to receive medical treatment if necessary, as well as therapy to get you on the right bath to recovery.
If a friend or family member is suffering from an addiction, or if they are displaying telltale addictive behaviors, be there to listen to their concerns. Trust is a big issue when it comes to addiction. Do not scold the substance abuser, but do not enable them to continue their behavior either. Being there to talk over the problem is a huge step in helping someone decide they wish to start the recovery process. Encourage them to seek treatment from a professional recovery facility, as this is the best way to obtain tools necessary to lead to success.
Treatment For An Addiction
Recovery Ranch PA is an addiction and dual diagnosis treatment facility that offer a variety of treatment options for addictive behavior. Our facility offers the following:
- Drug and Alcohol Detoxification Centers
- Inpatient Drug And Alcohol Rehabilitation
- Family Programs
- Outpatient Treatment
- Aftercare Programs
- Alumni Program
We are located in Pennsylvania and our staff members are dedicated to the well-being of each client that walks through our doors. Our treatment centers provide residential or outpatient treatment depending upon the severity and type of addiction a client is dealing with. We assist with mental health disorders such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), compulsive behaviors such as eating disorders, and addictions of all types including alcohol and drug abuse.
If you or someone you know has telltale addictive behaviors, Recovery Ranch PA is available to help. Simply take a look at our website to browse the information provided about our programs and therapy services at your leisure. When you are ready to start the process of obtaining treatment, give us a call at 717.969.9126. You do not need to continue to suffer with an addiction. Reach out, and we will help you follow the path toward recovery.