Relationships Resources

Person learning how to deal with a narcissist with the help of a therapist

How to Deal with a Narcissist

Dealing with a narcissist, especially when facing the complexities of addiction, poses a unique set of challenges and demands a nuanced understanding of both issues. For those in Pennsylvania seeking support, finding an adept personality disorder treatment center is the first critical step toward healing and transformation. Learn how to deal with narcissistic behaviors and […]

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Person wondering, "Why do alcoholics lie?"

Why Do Alcoholics Lie?

Alcoholism, like any other addiction, changes behavior. People who struggle with addiction have undergone changes in their brains that make rational decision-making more difficult. Common behavior changes that many people notice are lying, deception, and avoidance. This begs the question, why do alcoholics lie?  First, it’s important to remember not to reduce someone with an addiction

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A couple enjoying a sober Valentine's Day celebration

Tips for a Sober Valentine’s Day

For many, Valentine’s Day is a time of celebration—filled with love and joy. But for those in recovery or rehab, the holiday can be filled with temptations to drink or use drugs. That doesn’t have to be the case. There are plenty of ways to have a sober Valentine’s Day that don’t involve drinking alcohol.

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Trauma responses in relationships

Trauma Responses in Relationships

You don’t have to be a mental health professional to know trust issues, anxiety, insecurity, shame and disassociation are bad for relationships. If these same patterns of behavior, however, are common for an individual dealing with a past traumatic event or series of events, how does someone navigate trauma recovery and relationships? In some surprisingly

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a family benefits from attending al anon

Why Parents Should Consider Going to Al-Anon

There are three simple, common-sense reasons parents should consider going to Al-Anon when a child is experiencing a substance use disorder: Education, healthy boundaries, and self-care.Attending Al-Anon actually improves your child’s chances of seeking treatment and remaining in recovery. Substance use disorders are medical conditions impacting the entire family. When one family seeks treatment, either

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Man holding woman representing different attachment styles

Is Your Attachment Style Damaging Your Love Life?

What’s Important to Know About Attachment Styles?“How do you overcome an insecure attachment style?”“Does your attachment style impact your sex life?”“Is it possible to have a committed relationship with an avoidant attachment style?”These are a few of the stories sweeping the web. So, what is an attachment style? And, does your attachment style really have

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couple on couch quarantined with an alcoholic spouse

Have You Found Yourself Quarantined With An Alcoholic Spouse?

Problems are easily hidden during quarantine. Being home during quarantine with an alcoholic spouse is not easy. You may not have noticed your spouse was an alcoholic, or you avoided the truth. Now, you cannot avoid your spouse’s alcoholism. You have no distractions, and this unique situation continues to bring you in direct contact with

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couple wondering Is My Loved One An Alcoholic

Is My Loved One An Alcoholic?

The term alcoholic is one many people don’t take seriously. Yet, if you’re watching your loved one drink night after night, you’re likely worried that’s what’s really happening. “Is my loved one an alcoholic?” It’s not an easy question to ask because often, it can occur even if you didn’t see it coming. At Recovery

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How to Show Support for a Recovering Loved One

Watching a loved one suffer through the effects of addiction is a terrifying experience. When rehab ends, however, you should not stop providing your loved one with support. In fact, cravings to use drugs again typically peak at about 6 months into sobriety, which is well after most individuals have left residential care. It is

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