Silhouette of a person wondering, "What are the risks of tranq?"

What Are the Risks of Tranq?

Opioids are one of the most abused drugs in the United States today. That includes prescription opioids as well as illicit varieties like heroin. Tranq is not an opioid. But more and more dealers have begun lacing opioids they deal with tranq, a highly-dangerous substance that is unsafe for use in humans. Its typical application is as a tranquilizer for horses, cattle, and other large animals. Dealers lace opioids with tranq because it is supposed to amplify the effects of an opioid. Moreover, it is not a federally scheduled substance, meaning it is not illegal to purchase and thus easy to acquire. If you or someone you know is struggling with a tranq-related problem, learn more about addiction therapy options at Promises-Recovery Ranch PA by calling 717.969.9126

What Are the Risks of Tranq? 

Tranq is not safe for human use. Therefore, it is always risky to use tranq. Common side effects of tranq include: 

  • Nausea and vomiting 
  • Drowsiness 
  • Impaired coordination 
  • Slowed heart rate 

Other risks of tranq include severe wounds, addiction, and coma through overdose. What makes tranq so dangerous is that most people use it without knowing it. Of course, no prescription opioid would ever contain tranq. But when someone gets an opioid on the street, there’s a high probability that it is laced with tranq without their knowledge. 

The risk for overdose from tranq differs from just a plain opioid. This is because tranq is not itself an opioid. The overdose prevention substance naloxone thus does not affect it and cannot reverse a tranq overdose. It may still help with an opioid overdose where the opioid is laced with tranq. But it will not be as effective.  

Can Tranq Cause Amputations? 

People who use tranq regularly are at higher risk of experiencing severe wounds and possibly needing amputation. Besides overdose, this is the most considerable risk that tranq usage poses. Injuries resulting from tranq use can occur anywhere on the body, not just where the substance is taken or injected.  

Part of the danger here is that tranq slows blood flow. This means that it will naturally take longer to heal when someone is injured. This increases the chance of infection, sepsis, and endocarditis. Even though tranq-related wounds can cause immense pain, many people avoid seeking medical treatment due to worry, fear, or stigma. When people do seek treatment, tranq-related injuries often require advanced medical care that a typical emergency room may not be able to deliver. If a wound festers long enough, the only option to keep someone alive is sometimes amputation.  

What to Expect from Tranq Addiction Treatment 

Tranq addiction rarely begins with someone using tranq on its own. Instead, the addiction arises after repeatedly using opioids laced with this substance. That often means a person has an opioid use disorder and a tranq addiction. Compared to opioids, fewer options are available for treating tranq, at least during withdrawal.  

Because of how recently tranq has entered the drug market, there are no medications yet certified to alleviate withdrawal symptoms in the same way that there are for opioids. Typical tranq withdrawal symptoms include sweating, insomnia, anxiety, shaking, and elevated heart rate.  

While these withdrawal symptoms are indeed uncomfortable, they are not life-threatening. Professional treatment can guide people through the difficult withdrawal period and provide therapeutic interventions and support that lead to long-term recovery and abstinence.  

Find Addiction Treatment at Recovery Ranch PA 

Promises-Recovery Ranch PA is a leader in addiction treatment. We offer judgment-free, compassionate care that prioritizes your unique needs. Learn more about how we tackle opioid and tranq addiction treatment by contacting Recovery Ranch PA today at 717.969.9126

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