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When Alcoholism Leads to Job Loss – Tips for Recovering

It isn’t uncommon for individuals suffering from alcoholism to lose their jobs as the condition progresses. This doesn’t mean that these individuals will never work again, but it should serve as a reminder of how important recovery from addiction is to leading a positive, focused life. While losing your job because of drinking is a tough experience, there are many tips that can be employed to help you through the process:

  • Get into a recovery program immediately. If you aren’t currently in a recovery program, now is the best time. Not only will this help you tackle your addiction to alcohol, but it will also give you the tools you need to move forward.
  • Don’t allow your healthcare to lapse. Usually, you can purchase your healthcare for a specific time period after you have been let go. Unless you have another means of getting healthcare insurance, take advantage of this opportunity. Your healthcare may pay a significant portion of any alcohol treatment expenses.
  • Review your budget and make adjustments. Without your income stream, you’ll need to make cutbacks. Look over your budget, and see where you can adjust what you typically spend until you get back on your feet.
  • Get any job you can. If you worked in a white collar, professional environment, it may be tough to imagine working in a retail setting or commercial eatery establishment. However, it can be uplifting to get a paycheck after being fired. Even if you’re making much less than you were before, you’ll still be making something and moving in the right direction.
  • Accept responsibilities for your own actions. This will be part of your recovery from alcoholism and losing your job as a result. Being responsible for all the times you were late to work, called in “sick,” didn’t finish projects, or acted belligerent can help you progress.
  • Avoid shaming your employer on social media. Your first instinct may be to lash out at your employer, and social media seems like the perfect place to take a stand. This can backfire in a large way, and is always a poor choice. Take the high road and work on your own recovery rather than focusing your energy on pointing fingers.
  • Rework your resume. To get future interviews, you may have to rework your resume. If you’re a professional, you may want to offer contractual services to clients so you have no gaps in your work timeline. For instance, if you’re an accountant and you lost your job, you may be able to do some work from home for a fee. This can be considered consulting, and it will help you bolster your resume.
  • Be honest during interviews. You may not want to talk about your addiction to alcohol, but it’s fine to honestly answer any relevant questions. You could say that you made poor choices, and have since reflected on those choices with a professional in order to learn from the errors and move on. Of course, you can also tell an interviewer that you would prefer not to talk about why you left your last place of employment. Remember that a job interview isn’t a deposition — you’re under no obligation to reveal your addiction history.

There is life after losing a job to alcoholism. The faster you work with recovery experts, the faster you can find happiness and a new sense of purpose. Contact The Ranch PA today to learn about our recovery options. (photo via)

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