Person observing behavior that is most likely to indicate alcohol abuse in another individual

Which Behavior Is Most Likely to Indicate Alcohol Abuse?

Can you spot whether someone is abusing alcohol? You may be surprised by which behaviors are most likely to indicate alcohol abuse since many people with excessive drinking behaviors deny they have a problem. Learning the actual definitions of specific extreme drinking behaviors can help you recognize whether you or a loved one is abusing alcohol. 

Alcohol abuse can quickly lead to dependence and addiction. But you can get your consumption under control before it leads further down that path. Call 717.969.9126 or contact Recovery Ranch PA online today to get started on the alcohol addiction treatment you need to turn your life around. 

Which Behavior Is Most Likely to Indicate Alcohol Abuse? 

While many behaviors may indicate someone is abusing alcohol, the most obvious sign is that the person needs to have more drinks to reach the same level of intoxication as before. For example, where they used to need three drinks, now it takes six.  

Getting used to the effects of drinking and needing to consume more to achieve the same level of drunkenness is known as tolerance. Abuse becomes an addiction when you begin to experience withdrawal symptoms when you stop drinking, so watch out for these signs, as well. 

How to Know If Someone Is Abusing Alcohol 

In addition to building a tolerance and needing large quantities of alcohol, various other signs indicate alcohol abuse. A few more ways to know if someone is abusing alcohol include the following. 

Drinking Excessively 

There are two main types of excessive drinking behaviors: binge drinking and heavy drinking.  

Binge drinking involves consuming large quantities of alcohol in a short period. Specifically, this is considered four or more drinks on one occasion for women and five or more for men. In this context, an occasion refers to approximately two to three hours. 

Heavy drinking is defined as consuming more than seven drinks per week for women and more than 14 for men. If a person drinks more than a moderate amount—up to one drink per day for women and two for men—it is referred to as heavy drinking. 

Neglecting Responsibilities 

If a person is abusing alcohol, the substance becomes more important than their other responsibilities. You may notice them skipping work or school or missing important occasions.  

Engaging in Risky Behaviors 

A person abusing alcohol may exhibit more impulsivity and recklessness. They are more likely to drive under the influence, instigate fights, engage in unsafe sex, or take other unnecessary risks. 

Mood Swings 

Alcohol abuse leads to changes in brain neurotransmitters responsible for emotional balance and positive mood. Over time, unhealthy drinking behaviors can lead to mood swings, anxiety, and depression. 

Changes in Appearance 

Long-term alcohol abuse can take a toll on a person’s appearance and lead to physical changes like red or glassy eyes, tremors, drastic weight fluctuations, and unexplained injuries. 

The Risks of Alcohol Abuse 

Alcohol abuse poses numerous risks to one’s physical and mental health, along with personal relationships. Some potential risks of alcohol abuse include: 

  • Liver damage 
  • Weakened immune function 
  • Cardiovascular issues 
  • Impaired cognitive function 
  • Development or worsening of mental health conditions 
  • Increased risk of certain types of cancers 
  • Strained relationships with family, friends, and partners 

Alcohol abuse can also have legal and financial consequences if a person engages in risky behaviors while under the influence. They can experience legal troubles such as getting arrested for driving while intoxicated or being involved in physical altercations. The cost of legal representation, fines, and higher auto insurance premiums can compound legal problems.  

Reach Out to Recovery Ranch PA to Get Started on Overcoming Alcohol Abuse   

If you believe a loved one needs treatment for alcohol abuse, encourage them to reach out to Recovery Ranch PA online or by calling 717.969.9126. Our comprehensive addiction treatment programs will provide them with the therapy, medication, and support they need to achieve an alcohol-free lifestyle. 

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