Person sitting on the floor and wondering why fentanyl is so dangerous

Why Is Fentanyl So Dangerous?

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid pain reliever 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times stronger than heroin. It is used to treat severe pain following surgeries, in treating cancer, or when other prescription painkillers are no longer adequate for chronic pain. Fentanyl activates opioid receptors throughout the body to block pain signals and releases high levels of dopamine, the body’s natural “feel good” chemical. Fentanyl quickly overtakes natural dopamine production, making it difficult to experience pleasure without it, perpetuating the cycle of addiction. The most significant danger of fentanyl is the risk of overdose and unintentional death. 

At Recovery Ranch PA, we understand the danger of fentanyl abuse and the complexities of treating fentanyl addiction. In our fentanyl rehab program, we offer the safety, support, and comprehensive treatment required to help clients effectively overcome reliance on fentanyl. If you or a loved one is abusing fentanyl, treatment is imperative. Call 717.969.9126 or contact us online to get help today. 

Short-Term Fentanyl Side Effects

Pharmaceutical fentanyl comes in patches, sprays, tablets, and lollipops. Illegally manufactured fentanyl comes in a liquid or powder and can be used in multiple ways. Fentanyl is frequently added to other drugs, like heroin, cocaine, meth, and MDMA, to make them cheaper and more potent. It also makes them more addictive and dangerous. 

Like other opioids, the common  short-term side effects of fentanyl can include:

  • Pain relief
  • Intense euphoria and relaxation
  • Sedation, drowsiness, or fatigue
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting
  • Tingling or numbness in the lips, hands, and feet
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Decreased urine flow
  • Blurred vision
  • Decreased respiration
  • Chest pain or irregular heartbeat

The euphoric and pain-relieving effects of fentanyl frequently result in misuse, abuse, and, ultimately, addiction. When a person reduces their fentanyl intake or stops using it, withdrawal symptoms begin within 12 hours. The desire to avoid painful withdrawals is another contributing factor to abuse and addiction. 

The Dangers of Fentanyl Abuse

Because of its potency, using fentanyl just once presents health risks. Prolonged use profoundly impacts central nervous system functioning and makes your brain dependent upon it to produce dopamine. Fentanyl use has a ripple effect on many of the body’s systems, causing:

  • Liver damage and liver disease
  • Cardiovascular issues, heart attacks, and heart disease
  • Collapsed veins and blood-borne infections
  • Constipation, bloating, bowel obstructions, and hemorrhoids
  • Stomach distension and ulcers
  • Seizures 
  • Overdose and death

The impacts of fentanyl addiction are far-reaching and have devastating consequences across all areas of life. Relationships suffer, families are torn apart, and many people lose everything they have. The risk of overdose is extraordinary, especially when fentanyl is mixed with alcohol or other drugs, which is common. 

The Benefits of a Fentanyl Rehab Program

If you are struggling with fentanyl abuse or addiction, the best thing you can do is seek help as soon as possible. Overcoming fentanyl addiction on your own is unlikely. 

Detox is the first step toward recovery, but it is dangerous to do alone. At Recovery Ranch PA, we offer medically supervised detox in a comfortable environment, with 24/7 access to support staff. Following detox, clients transition to residential treatment with peers who are also fighting opioid addiction. 

Some of the benefits of our fentanyl rehab program include:

  • Identifying and addressing the issues contributing to your addiction
  • Developing healthy coping strategies
  • Learning to establish healthy boundaries
  • Inclusion in a community of like-minded peers
  • Repairing damaged relationships
  • Trauma therapy
  • Psychoeducation about addiction
  • Treatment for co-occurring mental health issues
  • Breaking the cycle of addiction and chronic relapse
  • Relapse prevention planning
  • Aftercare planning

At Recovery Ranch PA, we recognize that everyone’s path to addiction is unique to their life experiences, as will be their path to recovery. Our experienced, compassionate treatment team takes the time to get to know you to help identify your recovery goals and implement a plan to achieve them. 

Enroll in Treatment at Recovery Ranch PA Today

If you or a loved one is abusing fentanyl, it is imperative to seek treatment as soon as possible. Recovery Ranch PA is open 24/7, so there is no wrong time to call for help. Here, you will find a welcoming, judgment-free environment where you get the support needed to achieve recovery. Call 717.969.9126 or connect with us online to enroll in treatment today.

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