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Statistics on Drug Use Show Continuing Need for Drug Rehab Programs

Addiction to alcohol and other drugs has been a problem throughout history. Scientific studies of addictions and their treatment began in the United States when congress passed the Porter Bill in 1929. Shortly after, a facility referred to as “The Narcotic Farm” opened outside of Lexington, Kentucky. Inmates from a nearby prison became part of what became one of the first drug treatment programs. Since that time, the government has shown efforts in drug rehabilitation are necessary. Today, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports trends related to drug use and treatment. Much of the information SAMSHA publishes comes from National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), an annual survey it conducts on drug use and attitudes. Over time, the statistics from NSDUH give some insight as to why drug rehab programs will continue to be necessary. SAMHSA’s 2009 NSDUH indicates that nearly 22 million people over the age of 12 have used illicit drugs in the last month. That figure indicates about 12 percent of the United States population is at risk for developing an addiction. Daily marijuana usage is up for teens for the first time since the decade of the 1980s. Experts theorize that people in the age group of 12 to 17 believe the drug is less risky than did people of the same age less than a decade ago. With 1 in 10 using illegal drugs and an increase in the use of marijuana in youth, it is likely that many in this population will benefit from or need some type of drug treatment program. In the same study, half of Americans over the age of 12 report being current alcohol drinkers. Drinkers who start drinking before the age of 14 are much more likely to land in treatment than those who start drinking after the legal age. Alcohol use remains commonplace, because of its status as a legal and socially acceptable drug. Drug use, whether legal or illegal, continues to be a problem. Using alcohol and illicit drugs may cause you difficulty in functioning, legal trouble and relationship difficulties. If you use alcohol or illicit drugs, these statistics show you are not alone. Others have experienced similar issues and have found help in drug rehab programs. If you know you are in need of help, contact someone who can lead you toward your path to recovery. (photo via)

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