Person with hands to forehead, thinking about the signs of kratom addiction they're displaying

Signs of Kratom Addiction

Kratom is an herbal supplement traditionally used in parts of Asia. It boosts energy and eases aches and pains. It is derived from a type of evergreen. In low amounts, kratom provides a mildly stimulating effect. In higher doses, it is similar to an opioid. However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved kratom for medical use in the United States. Some states have moved to ban the substance. Misuse or abuse of kratom can potentially lead to addiction. 

Call 717.969.9126 to speak with someone from the knowledgeable team at Recovery Ranch PA about kratom and our high-quality drug and alcohol detox services. It is essential to be informed about kratom and its potential dangers for people who use it. 

What Is Kratom?

Kratom is an herbal supplement. Using kratom relieves pain, boosts energy, and improves mood. Kratom comes in many forms, such as:

  • Pills
  • Gums
  • Liquid extracts
  • Powders

As a result, it can be ingested by chewing, eating, or even smoking. Kratom binds to the same receptors in the brain as opioids hence why kratom produces similar effects. 

This has led some in the medical community to see kratom as a possible solution to treating opioid addiction. However, evidence of kratom’s efficacy is slim. Much more research needs to occur to make any reasonable judgment about whether kratom might be helpful in clinically treating opioid use disorders. In the meantime, the potential for abuse and addiction to kratom is real and needs to be understood. 

Signs of Kratom Addiction

Kratom may not be as addictive as heroin or fentanyl, but neither is it entirely safe to use kratom. The potential for kratom addiction from regular use is a possibility. Kratom is connected to multiple side effects. These can essentially be thought of as the signs of kratom addiction. A few of these side effects are:

  • Drowsiness
  • High blood pressure
  • Poor concentration
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability

In rare cases, people have reported kratom addiction symptoms as severe as psychosis and seizures. Other signs of kratom addiction are behavioral. People who use this substance often may become more talkative, be itchy all the time, or experience swings in mood and appetite. It’s important to remember that no one side effect of kratom on its own indicates addiction. Instead, look for patterns in someone’s behavior and consistency in the appearance of side effects to judge whether or not a more profound problem may exist. 

How to Look Out for Kratom Addiction

In addition to the common kratom addiction symptoms, there are several hallmark addiction signs to watch out for. These apply to basically any substance use disorder and not just kratom. The first thing to look out for is significant shifts in a person’s daily activities. 

What does that look like? It could start with who a person hangs out with. People who develop an addiction often shift their friend circles to accommodate the addiction. Another red flag is if someone stops engaging in hobbies and activities they used to put a lot of time into. This change can occur because they are suddenly using all their time to seek out and use a drug. 

Secrecy, stealing, and lying are typical behaviors for someone struggling with substance abuse. Chances are they will try to hide their behavior and may lie about what they are doing. The last general thing to watch for is financial trouble. This may be less obvious with kratom than illicit or more expensive drugs. But a kratom habit costs money. Financial strain may result.

Overcome Kratom Addiction Symptoms at Recovery Ranch PA

Have you witnessed the signs of kratom addiction in a loved one? If so, the best thing to do is connect them with professional treatment options. Recovery Ranch PA is a leading expert in addiction treatment and recovery. Contact Recovery Ranch PA today at 717.969.9126 for more about our detox and long-term recovery approach.

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