One of the biggest mysteries in addiction science is why some people get addicted to drugs or alcohol and why others do not. The factors that contribute to addiction are extremely complex. We cannot yet point to a specific gene or underlying health problem as the cause of addiction. However, there are certain commonalities among those who develop it. Read on to learn more about the commonalities that exist in addiction and how The Ranch PA can help you overcome your addiction.
Mental Health
Did you know that individuals who suffer from a mental health disorder such as depression or anxiety are more likely to become addicted to drugs or alcohol? Because addiction causes certain mental health problems, identifying an underlying disorder — dual diagnosis — is extremely difficult, because there may be more than one cause of the disorder. Individuals with addiction are more likely to have an undiagnosed or untreated mental health disorder. The false relief provided by drugs and/or alcohol temporarily relieves the uncomfortable symptoms, but is not a permanent fix. This is why addiction can become extremely dangerous. Individuals under a great deal of stress are more likely to turn to drugs or alcohol to relax. Central nervous system depressants such as alcohol, narcotic painkillers, marijuana, anti-anxiety medicines, and sleep aids are all highly addictive. They can also cause physical dependency and challenging withdrawal symptoms if you try to quit alone. This is why it is important to have a support system if you are trying to detox. Although drugs and alcohol temporarily relieve depressed and anxious feelings, chronic abuse worsens the underlying symptoms. This causes the addicted individual to use even more drugs and alcohol. Furthermore, it can lead to a challenging spiral that is difficult to reverse without professional help. If you are looking for a professional treatment center to assist in your recovery, contact The Ranch PA. We can help you on your road to recovery.
A positive environment has an enormous effect on the mind of an addicted individual. With loving friends and family, a safe home, and plenty of enjoyable activities, evidence suggests that avoiding addictive behavior is easier. It is extremely important to have a support system during this time, as they can help keep you on track. When an addicted individual isolates themself from others, with little hope or opportunity for change, the addiction is likely to continue. Addictive behavior is also likely to continue when the struggling person surrounds themself with people who are using. A positive environment is one of the reasons why comprehensive post-rehab care planning makes a big difference in the lives of addicted individuals.
An individual who is related to an addicted person is more likely to develop a substance abuse problem. Although genetics is undeniably a factor in substance abuse, it is not a surefire predictor of addiction. Many people who are related to addicted individuals never become addicted, while others who have no genetic link develop serious problems. While genetics may be a slight factor in discovering what causes addiction, they are not the only factor that matters. It is important to understand the role that genetics can play in addiction, but also realize that it is not the only factor. There are multiple different causes and indicators of addiction.
Call The Ranch PA for More Information
If you are concerned for yourself or for someone you care about, The Ranch PA can help. For more information on the factors that lead to addiction, call The Ranch PA today at 717.969.9126. We can help provide the support you need to quit your addiction.