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What Is Trauma Informed Care?

What is traumatic for one person isn’t for someone else. Moreover, if there’s a traumatic event in your past, it tends to color your perceptions of life going forward. Similarly, you might develop unhealthy coping mechanisms. What is trauma-informed care, and how could it help you today?

Understanding the Impact of Trauma

Although trauma is a highly personal experience, there are some commonalities. Specialists at the trauma-informed therapy program in Hanover, PA frequently work with people who underwent negative childhood experiences. Examples include deaths, abuse, or abandonment. However, there are also adults with memories of violence, assault, or rape. These experiences change you. But they don’t just change the way you act. Rather, they also change the way you experience situations and how you deal with stress. For some, this means the use of drugs or alcohol to self-medicate.

What is Trauma Informed Care?

A good-quality rehab facility knows to treat the whole person. You aren’t your substance abuse. Similarly, you aren’t your trauma. However, you are the sum of your parts. Therefore, rehab specialists must recognize the causes and effects. Doing so empowers them to present you with adequate care protocols. Examples include:

Another vital treatment approach is couples therapy. Trauma and its trickle-down effect also affect your partner. The same goes for substance abuse. There’s a good chance that your relationship’s in turmoil. Couples therapy lets you rebuild trust as you learn how to communicate more effectively. Besides that, now’s a good time to discuss the problems in the relationship that could become use triggers. As you prepare for program graduation, it’s essential to work through these. Doing so lays the groundwork for relapse prevention. Of course, treatment is only part of the solution. What is trauma-informed care when discussing aftercare?

Aftercare for Relapse Prevention

Because you experienced trauma, it’s essential to participate in a high-quality aftercare program. Moreover, the need to self-medicate can crop up again if you don’t continue to manage mental health issues. That’s why a customized aftercare protocol is vital. Your therapist works with you to develop a care protocol that meets your unique needs. Examples might include a step-down program to outpatient care. It enables you to maintain your connection with the facility. Besides that, it lets you discuss during therapy sessions any situations that might come up to challenge you. Almost all program participants can benefit from support group attendance. 12-step groups are popular. If you have an underlying mental health condition, it’s a good idea to continue visiting with a psychiatrist. What is trauma-informed care in your unique situation? You can find out today by discussing your case with the therapists at The Ranch PA. There’s no judgment—you’ll only find caring individuals who want to help you heal. Dial 717.969.9126 now.

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