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How to Help an Addict: What Steps to Take Now

Your son continues to use drugs or alcohol. Your wife is struggling with alcohol consumption and thinks you don’t notice. No matter what you are facing, it’s hard to know how to help an addict. Many things are racing through your mind, as a caregiver, you know that this is by far the most important thing you can do for them. At The Ranch PA, we work closely with family members who want to create an effective way of helping their loved ones through addiction.

How to Help an Addict Living with You

One of the most complex situations you are likely to face if you are living with an addict is finding balance. Many people who have an addiction to drugs and alcohol cannot stop using it. They tend to put drugs before their family and other responsibilities. They may become distant and stop engaging with you or the rest of the family. You know there’s a problem happening. In these situations, it is critical to learn how to help an addict where they are right now.

Stop Providing Support

The hardest first step for many people who are learning how to help an addict is this one. If you are providing a place to live, support for their addiction such as money, or even helping them lie to others about their drug use, you are enabling their addiction. That’s hard to hear, but once you recognize this, you are empowered. That means you can say no and make life as an addict much more difficult for them. As long as your loved one can purchase drugs and alcohol and live in a safe home, they are not going to be able to stop.

Provide the Tools for Getting Help

Before you speak to your loved one about their addiction, create a plan of action. You can contact the counseling team at The Ranch PA for guidance. Our team can help you determine what type of help your loved one needs and create a way for them to get help. Then, sit down and tell your loved one that the help necessary is lined up. This may include:

Through the right combination of these tools, you can help your loved one to get help. Once you sit down and tell them that this type of help is available, and you tell them that you can no longer support their use, they have a clear path to getting help.

Take Steps to Prepare Yourself

Learning how to help an addict isn’t easy for you or other members of your family. Keep these tips in mind:

  • Educate yourself about the dangers of the drug they are using. Know the risks.
  • Get support for yourself and family members, too.
  • Find other close family or friends who can help you speak to your loved one.
  • Create a clear line to stop enabling.
  • Set clear and realistic expectations for getting help.

At The Ranch PA, we can help you to create these plans and provide you with resources to help your loved one. Don’t give up or give in.

Do Not Wait to Get Help – Call The Ranch PA Instead

You’re facing incredible challenges. You want to help your loved one, but you also don’t want to alienate them. What should you do when you want to learn how to help an addict? Your first step is to contact our team of experienced, trusted counselors to learn more about the solutions available to you. Call us at 717.969.9126 to learn more about the treatment options we offer.

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