
Mental health and addiction

Mental Health and Addiction

What causes mental health issues? What leads to addiction issues? In other words, is there a connection between mental health and addiction? For example, are bipolar and weed somehow interlinked? Let’s take a closer look.What Is the Connection Between Mental Health and Addiction?There is often an interconnection between mental health and addiction. mental health disorders […]

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What is rainbow fentanyl?

What is Rainbow Fentanyl?

You’ve probably heard about rainbow fentanyl in the news. However, do you know what it is? Let’s take a closer look.Do you need to know more about opiate addiction treatment? Call us today at 717.969.9126.What is Rainbow Fentanyl?Rainbow Fentanyl is a powerful synthetic opioid that is up to 100 times more potent than fentanyl, and

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Fentanyl addiction

Fentanyl Addiction

Fentanyl has been making the news more and more often these days. It’s certainly one of the scariest drugs out there. And people are dying because of fentanyl addiction. Addiction treatment offers people a chance to escape the danger that fentanyl addiction brings. Call us today at 717.969.9126 for more information. What is Fentanyl?Fentanyl is

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heroin addiction recovery

Heroin Addiction Recovery Rate

The heroin addiction recovery rate is an important thing to be aware of for anyone involved in addiction treatment. Treatment specialists use it to gauge their success and give the client the information they need to succeed in rehab. It motivates people who want to quit. Also, it gives families hope that their loved one

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What Does “Individualized Treatment” Mean?

As you research addiction therapy programs, the term “individualized treatment” comes up a lot. What does this mean exactly? What would an individualized therapy for addiction program look like for you? The Ranch Pennsylvania is here to help you make an informed decision for yourself or a loved one.Learn more about individualized treatment and addiction

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5 Things You Need to Know About Addiction Therapy Programs

With thousands of addiction therapy programs available, finding the best one for yourself or a loved one is overwhelming at best. Avoiding the problem for another day may seem like the best course when you factor in confusing clinical jargon and the emotional intensity you’re likely experiencing. It’s easy to table the decision when you

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What to Expect When You Enter Addiction Recovery

A fundamental truth of recovery is that it is a lifestyle choice. One of the most common misunderstandings about addiction recovery is the notion that the addicted person simply needs to go to a drug treatment center for 28 days to get “fixed” and then come home. It is an understandable but dangerous misunderstanding.  While addiction

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Finding Hope in an Addiction Recovery Center

If you are struggling with addiction, either yourself or because of a loved one, your response to “Finding Hope in an Addiction Recovery Center” may be, “Yeah, right. That will never happen.” It’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when surrounded by darkness. Still, just because it’s dark right now doesn’t

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