Mental Health Treatment

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What Causes Addiction?

One of the biggest mysteries in addiction science is why some people get addicted to drugs or alcohol and why others do not. The factors that contribute to addiction are extremely complex. We cannot yet point to a specific gene or underlying health problem as the cause of addiction. However, there are certain commonalities among […]

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First Responders and Substance Abuse: What’s the Connection?

What a first responder sees and does is nothing short of intense. The work you do is difficult. While you don’t falter from those responsibilities, indeed, this is mentally and physically challenging work. That is why there is a link between first responders and substance abuse. If you or someone you love is struggling with

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woman asks counselor the difference between psychiatrist vs therapist

Psychiatrist vs. Therapist: Who Does What?

If you or a loved one is dealing with addictive behavior, going to rehabilitation for treatment is an option that yields positive results. Most addiction recovery centers offer sessions with psychiatrists or therapists as a means of talking through situations and finding proper ways to deal with them so addictive behavior does not continue. Who

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woman meditating with crossed legs knows how to prevent a panic attack

Urgent! Learn How to Stop A Panic Attack

How To Prevent A Panic AttackPanic disorder is a common mental health condition related to anxiety marked by frequent panic attacks. People with panic disorder experience unpredictable but repetitive episodes of intense fear. Panic attacks can be paralyzing, and last for 20 to 30 minutes. During a panic attack, they may be unable to function

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woman slumped on the floor leaning against bed wondering about signs of codependency

The Telltale Signs of Codependency

Society is not well-versed in recognizing the signs of codependency. The cultural romanticization of toxic celebrity relationships and a lack of awareness about addiction have obscured the signs of codependency. If you find yourself or a loved one prioritizing a substance abuser over themselves, then they may be codependent.Codependency, in cases of addiction, also does

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two women talking about what is psychotherapy

What Is Psychotherapy?

What is Psychotherapy?The reason why treatment is essential to overcoming an addiction, alcoholism, or substance abuse disorder is that all three conditions are chronic, meaning they continuously get worse until you receive help. Treatments like psychotherapy are highly effective during the recovery process, but what is psychotherapy and how does it help treat addiction?Substance abuse

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How Psychodrama Helps Heal Past Trauma

Psychodrama has been around for nearly 100 years and can be an effective tool for helping people struggling with a number of challenges, including addictions and trauma. Psychodrama therapy techniques can help people give voice and action to areas of their lives that have kept them stuck. Those areas are what may be hindering their

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Holistic Addiction Treatments Tailored Toward Women

Holistic drug rehab is a unique treatment approach that aims to treat all aspects of those recovering from addiction. It’s a little different than traditional addiction rehab because this approach strives to treat and unify the mind, body, and spirit with a variety of therapies, rather than simply treating the symptoms of substance use disorder.Alternative

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Recognizing and Overcoming Codependency

Codependent relationships are one-sided, unhealthy relationships where one person is highly or completely dependent on another person to meet their emotional and self-esteem needs. At the same time, they enable the other person in the relationship to maintain self-destructive behaviors, such as alcohol or drug abuse. recognizing and overcoming codependency Codependency Serves a Need Codependent

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